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Verizon Trademark Services LLC & Ors. v. Verizon Careers & Ors.


The Delhi High Court has, in a suit for an injunction filed by Verizon Trademark Services LLC & Ors. (“Plaintiffs”), granted an ex-parte ad interim injunction, restraining Verizon Careers & Ors. (“Defendants”) from using the Plaintiffs' registered and well-known trademark ‘VERIZON’, including, as a part of its corporate name, domain name,, and email address,


The Plaintiffs aver that they are among the world’s leading providers of, inter alia, communications, information technology and security products and services, and their trademark VERIZON has previously been declared as a well-known mark in an earlier case.  


The Plaintiffs claimed that the Defendants had fraudulently posed as the Plaintiffs or as being affiliated with them, creating a fictitious recruitment process under the former corporate name of the  Plaintiffs, Verizon India Private Limited, the VERIZON logo mark, as well as the domain name. The Defendants allegedly used the Plaintiffs’ name and marks to conduct interviews, issue fraudulent offer letters, and demand money from candidates for completing a supposed certification course. The Plaintiffs contended that the candidates may fall prey to these fraudulent activities, resulting in financial losses and further damage to the Plaintiffs’ reputation.


The court, after considering extensive arguments, ruled in favour of the Plaintiffs, stating that a prima facie case has been made out on behalf of the Plaintiffs. Further, since the Defendants failed to appear despite being served in advance, the court granted granted an ex-parte ad interim injunction in favour of the Plaintiffs.


Further the court directed proforma Defendants to lock and suspend the impugned domain name and email addresses, and to disclose all relevant details about the Defendants to the Plaintiffs and by affidavit to the court.


Verizon Trademark Services LLC & Ors. v. Verizon Careers & Ors. CS(COMM) 15/2025

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